Holometabolism Pavilion (The Fading Eternity of the Chrysalis State)
Collaboration with Alina Chaiderov. Installed in Göteborgs Konsthall during "Fast Forward", Valand Academy MFA Exhibition 10/5-25/5 - 2014.
Photos by Simon Rydén.
Mirror film, glass, iron, expanded metal, a single LED light, wood, fiber board & concrete façade ornaments.
560 x 300 x 480 cm
Accompanying text from exhibition catalog:
Holometabolism applies to the life cycle of insects that undergo a complete metamorphosis. In the chrysalis a caterpillar will dissolve into a liquid state without any trace of a solid body, to later assemble as the imago, the full-fledged image of its kind. Appearing into light, the moth or butterfly, sometimes culturally identified as the soul of the departed, the psyche messenger or an agent of knowledge, traverses unto its new path and purpose.
Interpreted as a symbolic death and rebirth, holometabolism serves as an archetype for an individual or a societal transformation into a higher state of being.