Lågvattenmärken ∿∿∿
(low water marks)
Rehab-shop, Gothenburg
16/6 - 2/7, 2017
Lågvattenmärken ∿∿∿
(low water marks)
Rehab-shop, Gothenburg
16/6 - 2/7, 2017
Twice bleached and twice re-colored t-shirts with screen-prints on metal folding screen with copper and string hangers. Dimensions variable.
The Lucky Moneyfrog T-shirts are sold only to artists.
Bricks, copper coins, organza fabrics on screenprinted bedsheet.
220x140x8 cm
Stone, plastic, plaster, peat, antique copper coins, water, pump, spray paint and found fountain.
app. 52x37x52 cm
Perforated metal, acrylic mirror, plastic, antique copper coins and brick.
10x18x210 cm
Sheaf of various reeds, shellac, jute string, glass, rusty iron, perforated metal, plastic and acrylic mirror.
Dimensions variable.